About Us
Our PERN-Global.com Adminstrative Team
Silvia Bressan
Current President
Todd Chang
Knowledge Translation
Damian Roland
Knowledge Translation
Greg Van de Mosselaer
Lead Programmer
Greg Van de Mosselaer MD CCFP is the Chief Technology Officer for ManitobaCPD.com. He is responsible for the website design, graphics manipulation, backup, application programming, hack testing and database design. He works closely with a diverse group of carefully selected industry based IT professionals in the Manitoba region to deliver a product that is privacy compliant, Canadian hosted, locally developed and controlled as a "public good".Greg is also the CTO for CHIMB.ca Prior to joining the CHI team he had already launched the website tech that runs TREKK.ca for the PERC (Pediatric Emergency Research Canada) as part of an NCE grant and is currently the lead programmer on the the TREKK.ca project as well. He also is the lead programmer for the PERN-Global.com and PERC-Canada.ca and collaborates with an increasing number of medical clients across Canada, all in the public sector.His main conviction is that "Information is a medical device" and views his work in knowledge translation using IT tools as a natural complement to his medical practice and his intention to help EBM communities of practice deliver better care to their patients.